Monday, January 09, 2006

Things You Never Think You'd Have to Say While Teaching Piano Lessons

Please stop licking the piano.

Please get your face off the keyboard.

Seriously, stop licking the piano.

Feet on the floor please, this is a piano not a jungle gym.

Did you just SPIT on the keyboard?

Okay, WHY do you keep licking the piano?


Ronni said...

Did you tell his mom he has issues? Has she told him "You can lick this if you try hard enough?"

stacey said...

LOL Ronni! You know, I've had an interesting time with this particular child. In all my years of teaching I've never run into a situation quite like this. I kid you not. The child LICKS the piano. Thank goodness for Lysol. Oh, and yes, I've talked to his mother. Her response? "Yeah. I don't know why he does that."

Anonymous said...

I'm not around my mom's piano student's very often but one day I saw my mom teach the piano lickers.
I made up my mind then I DID NOT WANT TO BE around when my mom was teach ing them. I was friends whith one of them and I saw the good side of him now I see Darth vador. seriosly who do you know that likes to lick pianos?

Anonymous said...
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